Maybe I should’ve known that I would not marry. When I was a child, there was a popular song that featured the lyric, “People are meant to live two by two…” I remember bristling whenever I heard it.“How do you know?” I would think.
As it turned out, I just never met the right person, someone strong enough, brave enough, and true enough for a lifelong commitment. Luckily, my parents never pressured me about it.
I think if I had married in my 20s, or even 30s, I would have had to end it by now because I’ve changed so much.
~ Daphne
I shot three TV movies this year. The third one I booked on the strength of a recommendation from the director of the second. I did not even have to audition. I find these developments deeply satisfying.
I love being able to go where I like and do as I please without question. Sometimes I think I might like to have someone around to run to the grocery store, for example. But there are so many delivery services these days…
I have nothing against marriage, and I’m not ruling it out. For now, I’ll settle for the thrill of living each moment fully, reveling in the beauty of the world, learning and growing every day.
So far, these are the best days of my life….